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Welcome! I'm so glad you're here. Explore this site to learn more about my ongoing work in the arts and in mindfulness practices, and what I may have to offer you. I would love to know how we can work together to share our gifts for the greater good. If you would like to discuss an opportunity to collaborate, please get in touch.


I am a performing and creative artist and musicologist who is continually seeking new ways to share art through speaking, writing, performing, and making. My passions are to create a greater awareness of global music cultures through my writings and presentations and to craft powerful moments of joy and gratitude as well as prayerful spaces for peace and reflection through music performance and creative art explorations. I also teach mind/body awareness through the practices of yoga and pilates with a focus on the spiritual side of mindfulness.

Whether it’s through performing, publishing, teaching, exploring new skills, or meeting new people, I enjoy continually learning and being amazed at how interconnected we are as human beings through the unique gifts we share. 


Upcoming Event:
Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 2 pm

Peace Begins At Home:

An Interfaith Gathering for Healing & Peace

There's just so much happening in the world - how can we begin to process any of it and have hope that we'll eventually find peace in the midst of so much grief, hurt, and anger?
If you find yourself struggling, you are not alone. And this event may come at the right time for you.


Peace Begins At Home: An Interfaith Gathering for Healing and Peace will take place on Sunday, April 14 at 2 pm at the Richmond City Library (Main Branch), and includes community participants from organizations such as ReEstablish Richmond, the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, The Innerwork Center, Richmond Hill, and PEACEWITH, framed by visual art, music, and poetry by local artists.


This free, public event invites the community to:


  • Create a space for all to come together despite our differences, especially in light of tragic and devastating ongoing worldwide events.

  • Share wisdom from diverse perspectives on grief and peace and discover how to honor the diverse wisdom and spirituality of those around us while still honoring the emotions we experience as individuals.

  • Recognize that peace begins with each of us, and begin to learn how to cultivate inner peace and healing within ourselves before we can create it within our communities and across the globe.

This is a safe space for all, and we welcome you. 

Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret life of bringing peace, abolishing strife.

Kahlil Gibran

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©2023 by Theresa Parvin Steward. Photos courtesy of Theresa Steward and Patience Salgado.
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